Directions to the Tziyun

Directions to the Tziyun:

The cemetery is next to the Chabad house, at 235 RAIMBEKA Street.

Link to the address of the cemetery on maps

Link to the location of the grade on Google Maps

To order a taxi

The address must be entered

Central Cemetery
Райымбека проспект, 235, Almaty

From the Chabad house

Turn right on Raimbeka Street until the traffic light. Cross the road and continue to the right until you reach the Central Cemetary Almaty, (in Russian tsentral’nyy kladbishche) on RAIMBEKA street.


From the main entrance of the cemetery

Go straight to the end (about 300 meters) and turn right.
After 100 meters there is a narrow path that turns left (there is a sign at the beginning of the path), from which you can already see the Tziyun building.

To enter the ohel

Ring the bell and you we be buzzed in.
In any case, it is best to contact by phone before arriving to the Tziyun.


A reminder to Kohanim

Kohanim should walk in the center of the road and be careful not to walk under trees or near unfenced graves.


Some practice dipping in the mikvah before entering the ohel.

You can immerse yourself in the mikvah at the Chabad house, the mikvah is open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

To use the mikvah at other times, please contact one of the Shluchim located in the Chabad house or contact us here.

השאירו תגובה